Stay tuned to Gamereactor, though, as next week we will reveal another exclusive card from Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn. Martin 'OtakuMZ' contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. We will have to wait until April before we can really say how much this card will be used, but things are shaping up nicely. Real life physician and afterhour card battler. As it's a Hunter card it can draw minions Alleycat, Runic Egg, Fiery Bat, Shifter Zerus, Tentacle of N'Zoth, and the new minion Fire Fly (1/2 Elemental "Battlecry: Add a 1/2 Elemental to your hand").

For the cost of, it comes with no attack and low health when destroyed, it allows its summoner to draw a card. It works a bit like the Paladin spell Small-Time Recruits (which draws three 1-Cost minions) and should probably be used in an aggro deck. Runic Egg is a minion for use by any class. Today we are exclusively showing you a brand new card: a rare Hunter minion called Tol'vir Warden.Īs you may remember from the Warcraft games, Tol'vir are a race of stone-like cat people created by the titans, and the five mana 3/5 has the text "Battlecry: Draw two 1-Cost minions from your deck." Journey to Un'Goro focuses on key elements like Elementals, Quest, and Adapt, and we've already seen some new card reveals. In Hearthstone's Standard format we will say goodbye to cards from Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament, and League of Explorers, and this will pave the way for new decks and strategies.

Heartsthone's upcoming expansion, Journey to Un'Goro, will introduce some big changes when it arrives in early April, as it will add 135 new cards to the game, and it also will rotate into the next standard cycle.